a) Dampare Ltd manufactures three products namely A, B, and C. The information given below relates to the month of November 2020.

Product Quantity (Units) Price/Unit (GH¢)
A 1,200 80
B 2,400 96
C 1,800 112

Materials used in company’s Products:

Material MA MB MC
Unit cost GH¢3 GH¢5 GH¢8
Quantity used in: MA (Units) MB (Units) MC (Units)
Product A 5 3 1
Product B 4 4 3
Product C 3 2 2

Finished Stock:

Product A (Units) Product B (Units) Product C (Units)
Opening stock 1,200 1,800
Closing stock 1,320 1,980

Material Stock:

Material MA (Units) MB (Units) MC (Units)
Opening stock 31,200 24,000 14,400
Closing stock 37,440 28,800 17,280

Required: Prepare the following functional budget for the month of November 2020 for: i) Sales in quantity and value, including total value ii) Production quantities iii) Material usage in quantities iv) Material purchases in quantities and value, including total value. (15 marks)

b) Principal budget factor is such an important factor in the budgetary control process. It is essential to identify the principal budget factor before the preparation of budgets.

Required: i) Explain the term “Principal budget factor” as used in budgetary control. (2 marks) ii) Identify THREE (3) examples of Principal budget factor from financial institution. (3 marks)

a) i) Sales quantity and value budget:

Product Quantity (Units) Price/Unit (GH¢) Sales Value (GH¢)
A 1,200 80 96,000
B 2,400 96 230,400
C 1,800 112 201,600
Total 528,000

ii) Production quantity budget:

Product Sales Quantity (Units) Add Closing Stock (Units) Total (Units) Less Opening Stock (Units) Units to be Produced
A 1,200 1,320 2,520 1,200 1,320
B 2,400 1,980 4,380 1,800 2,580
C 1,800 660 2,460 600 1,860

iii) Material Usage Budget (quantities):

Product Production Quantity MA (Units) MB (Units) MC (Units)
A 1,320 6,600 3,960 1,320
B 2,580 10,320 10,320 7,740
C 1,860 5,580 3,720 3,720
Total 22,500 18,000 12,780

iv) Material Purchases Budget (quantities and value):

Material MA (Units) MB (Units) MC (Units) Total (Units)
Usage 22,500 18,000 12,780
Add Closing Stock 37,440 28,800 17,280
Total 59,940 46,800 30,060
Less Opening Stock 31,200 24,000 14,400
Purchases 28,740 22,800 15,660
Price/Unit GH¢3 GH¢5 GH¢8
Value (GH¢) 86,220 114,000 125,280 325,500

(15 marks evenly spread)

b) i) The principal budget factor is also known as the limiting factor or key factor. It is defined as the factor which at a particular time, or over a period, will limit the activities of an undertaking. The limiting factor is usually the level of demand for the products or services of the undertaking but it could be a shortage of one of the productive resources. (2 marks)

ii) Examples of Principal budget factor from financial institution include:

  1. Skilled labour
  2. Level of ICT
  3. High interest rate
  4. Reserve ratios. (Any 3 points @ 1 mark each = 3 marks)