) Management Accounting provides information for planning, control, and decision-making. It has been argued that Public Sector entities can even benefit more from Management Accounting than profit-making entities.

i) Identify FOUR (4) decision areas of the Public Sector where Management Accounting can be applied. (6 marks)
ii) Suggest an appropriate technique that can be used to improve decision-making in such areas. (9 marks)

b) State FIVE (5) assumptions underlying cost-volume-profit analysis in managerial accounting. (5 marks)

i) Decision Areas in Public Sector

  1. Outsourcing of services: e.g., cleaning, ICT
  2. Capital investment: e.g., construction of buildings, purchase of vehicles
  3. Budgeting
  4. Evaluation of MMDAs (Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies)
  5. Procurement and utilization of supplies: e.g., stationary
    (Any 4 points for 1.5 marks = 6 marks)

ii) Techniques to Improve Decision-making

  1. Relevant Costing: Use of relevant costs for decision-making in outsourcing decisions.
  2. Investment Appraisal Techniques: e.g., Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for evaluating capital investments.
  3. Budgetary Control: Implementing budgets to monitor and control expenditures.
  4. Balanced Scorecard: A tool to assess the performance of public sector entities across various dimensions.
  5. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and control levels: To manage inventory efficiently.
    (9 marks)

b) Critical Assumptions of CVP Analysis

  1. Cost Classification: All costs can be segregated into fixed and variable elements.
  2. Constant Fixed Costs: Fixed costs will remain constant, while variable costs vary proportionately with the level of activity.
  3. Sales Assumptions: All that is produced can be sold.
  4. Single Cost and Revenue Driver: The only factor affecting costs and revenues is the volume of activity.
  5. Unchanging Conditions: Technology, production methods, and efficiency remain unchanged.
  6. No Inventory Changes: There are no inventory level changes, or inventories are valued at marginal cost.
  7. No Uncertainty: There is no uncertainty in costs and revenues.
  8. Product Mix: A single product or a constant product mix is produced and sold.
    (Any 5 points for 5 marks)